'Da Boyz' Guestbook

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dressed Best Horsie & Siberian Husky Security Patrol

Hi-Woo All,

Well, R Mommy found out what the puter problem wuz - it wuzn't R puter - it wuz that the stupid wireless izn't strong enuf to work all the wayz on the other side of R house in the breakfast room. Mommy wuz glad that she found out the problem cuz she hates to call the puter fixer-humes cuz they keep her on the phone fur a long time & don't alwayz help specially when she gets sumone on the phone who she can't understand when he/she talks.

Last week, mommy & daddy went to Ohio to a horsie trade show. Mommy had a long list of stuff that she wanted to buy for the horsies. Check out the pic of Charlie. Doesn't he look like he is the bestest dressed horsie!!!!

The thingee on his face called a bridle is attached to a bit in his mouth. We wonder if it tastes good, hmmmm!

The thingee attached to the saddle that goes around his chest is called a breast collar. You looks mighty spiffy there, Charlie!

Looks what Mommy & Daddy brought home fur R house.

We gots to ask R Ao4 friends if we qualify to wear helmets to be in uniform for this job of guarding R house. We wonder where we can get sum, maybe they can help us! How do you like R horsie doorbell?
Til next time - don't furget to email us wif funny jokes & videos!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh yes...

The fine print says: "Be prepared to be fuzzed!"


Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

How very cool! You get your own sign. I want one, too!!!!


D.K. Wall said...

But if it was a Siberian doorbell, it would howl whenever someone was at the door. That would be cool.

the magic sleigh said...

My sign should read the be prepared to be fuzzed too, plus watch for flying husky making escape!
Nice Horse, he is cute!
-Kira the beaWootiful

Jack & Moo said...

Khool sign! I think we need one of those here, too. Jack is from OH, and his first dad has horsies, maybe they were neigh-bors for a day?

woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo

The Army of Four said...

Hmm. Well, you COULD wear helmets - or you could go incognito.
Tail wags,

Pippa said...

Hey glad you sorted our the not-the-outer problem.

Misery knows what you mean about the rubbish people on the end of the phone. Only surpassed by the bots that respond (sic) to email queries.

P x

Teddy Westlife said...

Charlie looks very handsome!

Huffle Mawson

Dewey Dewster said...

Charlie is absolutely beautiful....'n he's dressed up fer a night on the town fer sure...is he goin' ta the Penquins game...they won ya know.....

Dewey Dewtser here.....

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Cool sign, we could use one of those here instead of the silly sign they have in the front for the other security folks. We would do a much better job.

Charlie looks very handsome.

Woos, the OP Pack

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Every gal is crazy 'bout a sharp dressed horse!!

Way to go Charlie!

And way to go to you pups for patrolling your yard. Are you keeping the squirrels out?


L said...

We're glad you figure out the computer problems. We think we should get our own signs too - or at least the doorbell. Very cool.

Khady Lynn said...

Charlie is such a handsome horsie!

I love the sign, but mine would have to say Malamute Patrol cuz these Sibes don't do much around here.


PETtell said...

What a cute and adorable pet. To show love to your pet why not join and register at PETtell, it's a free social network for pet owners. You'll gonna luv it :D