I can't believe that it was one year ago today that we had to say good-bye to her! Time certainly does fly - TOO FAST! Here is our Shanna's story --
At the first visit with our vet, Dr. Sweeney looked at Joel & told him to be prepared. He looked at me & told me that he thought that we should give her back to the breeder. She had a heart murmur & sounded like an open valve in her heart. Since we had dealt with health problems with our other Sibes in the past, he didn’t want us to start out with her knowing she had a problem. Well, I started to cry (he knew me & that’s why he told Joel to be prepared, smart ass!) He said that he would give her 1 month. Sometimes this happens with puppies, like humans, & as they grow the valve can close. At the next visit if the problem was still there, we should return her. I agreed & when we went home I called the breeder. She told us that she would hold back Shanna’s sister from being sold until she heard from us. Well, at the next vet visit there wasn’t any heart murmur & the valve had closed.
When she was 8 yrs. old on a Saturday around 6:30am, Josh came running up to our bedroom to tell us that Shanna couldn’t get up off the floor & was screaming. We ran down to his room in the basement & found Shanna in a lot of pain. We called our vet & found out that he didn’t have Saturday hours any more. So, Joel wrapped her in a blanket & we took her to our horse vet’s small animal clinic. All of the vets there were at a conference. They gave us the name of the vet who we are using now & who is also an emergency clinic. They told us to bring her at once. Nothing showed up on the x-rays. They said that she probably just bruised her leg & gave her doggy motrin & pain medicine. The vet showed us Shanna’s x-rays. She said that there were no signs of hip dysplasia & that her skeleton was strong. She bounced back from whatever had happened to her.
It was just 9 months later in the evening in March 2006 that she slipped on the ice on the side run & couldn’t stand. Joel & I rushed her to the vet. Shanna had torn her ACL & their orthopedic specialist would be able to do her surgery the next day. I was a basket case over this remembering what we went through with Cinny. They didn’t understand why I was so scared about her having the surgery since they didn’t know us at the time Cinny went through this. Joel talked to her while I was in the bathroom. The vet took me aside & said to remember that Shanna is much younger than Cinny was & that she had strong legs & back. I agreed for the surgery. Met Vet Animal Hospital was great - they did everything they could for her, but it was a nightmare. She rejected the stitches & they had to go back in 2 more times in 2 weeks. They wouldn’t let her leave the hospital until they thought she was ready. Joel took me out to visit her during her stay there. We got through the healing time period, but her beautiful fur did not grow back over the surgery site. Her thyroid stopped working right which showed up on the blood work. Once she started the meds, her fur grew back fully. Erin & I noticed that she wasn’t walking very well. She wasn’t in a lot of pain though. During her hard rehab, she had developed hip dysplasia on the side where she had the surgery. I had a gut feeling that we wouldn’t have her through another winter.
One year ago today, I had left her in from the side run. I went upstairs to ride my exercise bike. All of a sudden I heard howling & shrieking. Shanna had been coming upstairs to be with me, had tripped on the landing, & I knew she tore her ACL in her ‘good’ back leg. I sat on the landing & held her & cried. I helped her downstairs & called Joel. He had been taking my mom food shopping. He came home & we took her to Met Vet. This was it, I knew it, Shanna wouldn’t be coming home with us! The vet took x-rays & came out to tell us what I already knew. She had torn her ACL, she would make it through the surgery, however, she would not be able to deal with the recovery because her other leg would not be able to support her through it. Well, this time was the hardest of all others in saying good-bye! She was only 9-1/2 yrs. old!! But, she was in so much pain I couldn’t put her through the surgery just to buy her some time with me. I laid on a blanket on the floor in the examining room for 2-1/2 hrs. holding her until my daughter was finished with work & my son could also be there. Shanna was a member of our family & all family members including Carter wanted to be there. I held her in my arms until she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Shanna Maidel was a wonderful, loving companion. I would sit on the floor & she would come & cuddle up in my arms while I watched TV. I still miss her. AND, thankfully, I have Cosi & Juni to keep me company when Joel is not at home. The house would be too, too quiet. I have never been alone in the house without a furry companion by my side.
It was just 9 months later in the evening in March 2006 that she slipped on the ice on the side run & couldn’t stand. Joel & I rushed her to the vet. Shanna had torn her ACL & their orthopedic specialist would be able to do her surgery the next day. I was a basket case over this remembering what we went through with Cinny. They didn’t understand why I was so scared about her having the surgery since they didn’t know us at the time Cinny went through this. Joel talked to her while I was in the bathroom. The vet took me aside & said to remember that Shanna is much younger than Cinny was & that she had strong legs & back. I agreed for the surgery. Met Vet Animal Hospital was great - they did everything they could for her, but it was a nightmare. She rejected the stitches & they had to go back in 2 more times in 2 weeks. They wouldn’t let her leave the hospital until they thought she was ready. Joel took me out to visit her during her stay there. We got through the healing time period, but her beautiful fur did not grow back over the surgery site. Her thyroid stopped working right which showed up on the blood work. Once she started the meds, her fur grew back fully. Erin & I noticed that she wasn’t walking very well. She wasn’t in a lot of pain though. During her hard rehab, she had developed hip dysplasia on the side where she had the surgery. I had a gut feeling that we wouldn’t have her through another winter.
One year ago today, I had left her in from the side run. I went upstairs to ride my exercise bike. All of a sudden I heard howling & shrieking. Shanna had been coming upstairs to be with me, had tripped on the landing, & I knew she tore her ACL in her ‘good’ back leg. I sat on the landing & held her & cried. I helped her downstairs & called Joel. He had been taking my mom food shopping. He came home & we took her to Met Vet. This was it, I knew it, Shanna wouldn’t be coming home with us! The vet took x-rays & came out to tell us what I already knew. She had torn her ACL, she would make it through the surgery, however, she would not be able to deal with the recovery because her other leg would not be able to support her through it. Well, this time was the hardest of all others in saying good-bye! She was only 9-1/2 yrs. old!! But, she was in so much pain I couldn’t put her through the surgery just to buy her some time with me. I laid on a blanket on the floor in the examining room for 2-1/2 hrs. holding her until my daughter was finished with work & my son could also be there. Shanna was a member of our family & all family members including Carter wanted to be there. I held her in my arms until she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Shanna Maidel was a wonderful, loving companion. I would sit on the floor & she would come & cuddle up in my arms while I watched TV. I still miss her. AND, thankfully, I have Cosi & Juni to keep me company when Joel is not at home. The house would be too, too quiet. I have never been alone in the house without a furry companion by my side.

Oh, the tears are falling as I write this! But in getting it out, I do feel so much better. Sorry this is so wordy. I’m not a great writer - just write down what comes from my heart!
Cosmos was the fellow that I needed to help me get through losing her & I am so thankful that he came into our lives! We decided to get him a buddy & now he has Juni to wrestle with - AND THE SAGA OF THE MULLIN CLAN CONTINUES!
We enjoyed the story and we are so glad you have your new 'clan' to help you through.
Very sad story but it hopefully it felt a bit better to write about it in rememberance of Shanna. We're glad you still have a CLAN. :)
Mom has tears in he eyes reading that. Soft woos said for Shanna. Cosi---give your mom some kisses tonight.
WOo woo, Kelsey Ann
No matter how much time has past, there are tears in remembering those that have passed to the bridge. Snuggle with those that are physically present,and share the stories. The clan may not understand the words but they will comfort you as only they can.
Tasha, Eva and Momma
So sad, but so beautiful also. Shanna had a wonderful life, and we're so glad that you have your boys to help keep you company.
Kisses Cosi, Juni & Shanna (& MOM)
Bama & the RHP
Mommy cried when she read the last parts of that. Shanna is a beautiful girl.
What a beautiful story. Shanna was sooooo pretty.
Give your mom lots of kisses.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
My hu-mom's eyes are leaking too -
'KH'osmos woo know what you've got to do?
Smother her with khysses from ME!
You khan keep some for yourself!
Please tell her to show Thrawn around up there!
The pawprints they leave on our hearts are monumental. We miss each and every one of them. Maybe one day, we'll see them again.
They are never with us long enough. Thanks for sharing Shanna's story.
That is a good story. Shanna looked like me as a puppy. I wonder if I will continue to be as beautiful as she was as I get older. It's really great that she had a great mom like you.
PS. My mom is crying with you.
On the heels of Thrawn reading this story made me cry again, except there is something beautiful in this story, too. SHe had a miracle when she was a baby, her heart healed, and she lived many more years.
Juneau, you are really a lucky pup to be with a family who is so loving!
Carolyn, and her two mud-kids (oy, I have to clean paws AGAIN?)
What a beautiful story. And tears are flowing. With the loss of Thrawn and now this sad story, it is just too much. I hope Shanna was there to meet Thrawn at the bridge and welcome him into the world of pain free fun and running free. They are wearing their silver harnesses with great pride.
Mistresses other dog Prince died last year - she still doesn't think about him without crying.
But Shanna had a good life and lots of love, and now you have Cosmos and Juneau who are special in their own way too.
This is a very sad but touching story...
I am glad you have Cosmos and Juni in your life now although their 'predecessors' will always be remembered and loved.
Looking forward to more stories on the advantures of the Mullin Clan!
Cherish the happy memories... hugs!
woofies Cosmos and Juneau and Mom!!! we never really get over losing them, do we...they have a special place in our hearts, that no other doogy can ever take that place...Christmas time to me is a wonderful time of the year, a time to celebrate and b happy and a time for sadness, remembering who and what u have lost..who nos, mayb its just me that feels that way..Shanna was a bute ti ful girl!!
b safe,
pp's mama had to shhhh, she wuz gettin teary eyed...
We woo for Shanna. She was a gorgeous girl. Hu-mom is bawling her head off, she is so sad to hear about Shanna. She knows writing helps, too, so don't apologise. We send you husky kisses. We're glad you have sibes to comfort you! S Go read our latest blog post - Sherman sends a message about our Rainbow Bridge pups.
Star & Jack
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