by my Maya Marie's Mommy, Gerri!!
Salmon wif Cheddar
BluBerry Nanna
& Wheat Free 3 Cheese
Can't decide - gotta try them all!
Nuff said!!!
-da Demon Youngin, Juneau-
Here is sum pics displaying all the cards that we gots this year frum our blogging friends & horsie friends.
This is R Daddy-Joel getting ready to watch the football game
This is R Daddy supporting his favorite football team, the Pittsburgh Stillers (Yep, you are seeing what you are seeing - R Daddy has Black & Gold nail polish on his piggies, HaRoo!!!!)
Yesterday, R Daddy told Mommy that he wanted to do sumthing different. Since his shoulder surgery he can't get the dead, icky skin off of the bottom of his feetsies. Sos he asked Mommy if she wanted to get a pedicure (can we get a paw-i-cure - we'd be good, can we - it sounds like fun - can we?!?!) wif him. Well, as soon as he said that Mommy was putting on her coat & was half out of the door before Daddy could get our treats & have us get into our crates. He didn't hafta ask her a second time, haroo! Daddy treated Mommy to a date-day. They went to get their footisies done (Mommy has deep red glitter nail polish on her piggies.) Then, they did a little shopping at the Mall. Daddy took Mommy to dinner. Then they stopped home to let us run a round, go outside & eat R dinner & be wif us fur a few hours. Then, Daddy took Mommy to a movie. They went to see the James Bond movie. Mommy said that the people who made the movie were stoopid cuz they shoulda had the cutie-actor Pierce Brosnan stay the 007 guy!! He would have made the movie more worthwhile to watch. This movie was Daddy's pick, Mommy gets her pick next time.
Hope all of you had a great weekend! Woulda've been better if we had got snow!
Til next time,
-da boys, Cosmos & Junuea-
PEE ESS - Keep yur paws crossed fur us. Sumthing is wrong wif R puter. After the Siller game, Daddy & Mommy R going to change the battery. Then they have to do sumthing else wif it. We hopes it works after that.
Hi-Woo EveryPuppy & Kitties,
Here is a fun horsie video to watch. Hope you enjoy it!
Til next time,
-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-