You took care of me well, blankie. From the day mommy & daddy brught me home from Met Vet on Friday after I gots my ‘fixed’ surgery, you were there to comfy & cushion me on the floor & in my crate at night. But, today I started to feel a whole lot better, & I just couldn’t help it! You know they call me ‘the demon puppy’ & it is so near to that halloweeny time. Well, mommy was taking her shower to get ready for work. I got bored in my crate & you were just there. I chewed the stuffin’ right out of you. I KILT YOU - I AM SO SORRY! I hopes sumone doesn’t turn me in to the ‘pawleece’ for doing it. I try so hard to be good!
'Da Boyz' Guestbook
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Bye-Bye Blankie!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Look At Me!!!!
I actually missed the lil terror! I got concerned for him so much so that my tummy wasn’t feeling so good. I was woofully glad to see him when mommy & daddy brought him home!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Juneau Update!
Last night, Josh stayed home wif me while mommy & daddy took Juneau to our vets. I gots upset cuz I got a little worried - will he be coming home fur sure?!?! We had a young 1 yr. old Sibe, Gabi, before Juneau that mommy & daddy had fur about 6 months & had to give back to the breeder cuz she had major issues. I'm so used to living wif a companion & then she was gone & my stomach started to act up cuz I was upset that I was alone. Mommy & daddy got me Juneau that I would grow up wif & not be alone. Mommy did keep assuring me that Juneau will be OK & he will probably be coming home tonight. I slept by her side of the bed all night. Every once in a while when she woke up, she gave me a pet. I ate honey nut cheerios alone this morning fur breakfast. Boy, I can't believe myself, I usually crave for some quiet time, BUT WIFOUT THE LITTLE GUY AROUND IT IS JUST TOO QUIET!!! YIKES, THE LIL DEMON PUPPY HAS GROWN ON ME!!!
Further updates will be posted as we hear.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Happy Birfday Daddy!
Happy Birfday to you
Happy Birfday to our daddy
Happy Birfday to you!
I wanted an extra special pressie for my daddy. After a hard day’s work & then taking grandma food shopping, he came home very, very tired. He sat in his recliner, took his socks & shoesies off, & was watching a recorded show wif mommy.
Hmmm, what can I do! I gots it, I can give his footsies & toes licks & rubs to relax him!
Here Cosi came over to see what I was doing & he worked on daddy's other footsie.
But, then he tried to muscle in & boss me likes it was his own idea.
Anyways, daddy said thank you for his footsies & toes bath. See, I can think up good puppy ideas!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
New Conversion Movie Software
Mommy has a Nikon Coolpix P4 digital camera. It also lets her record movies. However, the movies are recorded in Quicktime .mov mode. Sumtimes the files are too big to upload onto YouTube or Blogger. She has been looking for software to help convert the .mov files into .avi or .wmv which are smaller. One of the computer techs where she works, investigated into software which would help her do this. He found for her ImToo MOV Converter v.3.1. The movie below is of me & Juneau playing football which we had on our blog back in July. Mommy had found software on the web which converted the file, but it also had advertisements running through wif our movie. Below is the same movie of us playing football that she converted using the new software that she got in the mail today. It works & look how clear it is! The website for this software is It was $29.00.
Here is the movie of daddy riding Charlie Horse when Mommy wasn't allowed to. She couldn't post this before cuz it was too large & couldn't be downloaded.
The software comes with a Imtoo MOV Converter Wizard that walks you through step by step. It converted these 2 movies in minutes.
I hope you enjoy viewing them, even though the 1st one is a duplicate of one you viewed before of us. Look how little Juneau is in it - Time sure flies!
Lots of Woos,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Matzo Balls!
Mommy shared some of her matzo balls wif us for our dinner.
This was the first time that we ever had matzo balls wif chickie soup. It was so yummy. Juneau & I made all gone.
After mommy & daddy went to play wif the horsies, daddy surprised mommy by taking her to the Longhorn Restaurant (we weren't invited, the nerve!). He ordered an appetizer & shared a rack of ribs wif her. The manager of the restaurant asked them if their order was OK. Daddy told them that they were celebrating & that this was the first smush-free meal that mommy has eaten since her surgery. He also asked the manager to tell the cooks a thank you for him cuz the ribs were so tender, mommy was able to eat them wif no problem. The manager told them to save room for dessert cuz they were on him. That was very nice of him! Mommy was so excited that she could eat the ribs. She said that it 'hit the right spot' in her tummy!
Mommy's next surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, December 4. The surgeon said to make it after Thanksgiving so this way she can have turkey with all the yummy sides (even though she will have to cook again this year, but daddy helps). Also, by then her new TMJ joint should be built & back in PGH ready for him to put in.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
What a Beautiful Weekend!
Daddy took mommy to see the horses at the barn today. Daddy told mommy that he would exercise Charlie Horse while she took some movies to show how smooth Charlie is to ride & how pretty he is in his gait. When they came home from the barn, mommy was all smiles. Daddy surprised her. He exercised Charlie & then told her to get her helmet. Even though her doctor hasn’t given the total OK to ride out on the trails, daddy said that he trusted Charlie to take good care of mommy while just walking around in the round pen. Daddy took the above movie of mommy & her Charlie while standing in the center of the round pen with her. Look at the big smile on her face! That was great therapy for her to be back on her horsie again.
Juneau & I have never been to the barn to visit the horsies. Dogs aren’t allowed on the property unless they are the barn dogs. That’s OK cuz we wouldn’t want to scare Charlie. He is afraid of doggies cuz some people walking their dogs through the County Park near where they board don’t always keep them on leashes. Charlie & mommy have had dogs come at them barking & with their teeth bared. They are working with Charlie to not be afraid of all doggies that he sees on the trail who are quiet & are kept on a leash.Here is a picture of me sleeping by mommy’s chair. That’s my new resting spot since the day mommy has come home from the hospital. I want to be near her if she needs me. Every once in a while she reaches down & gives me a rub. I like that! Juneau has been sleeping under mommy’s recliner. Dad tried to get a pic of him there, but he was jumping around the room too much acting like a doofus.
P.S. On Saturday I overheard daddy talking to Met Vet about getting Juneau 'snippy da pepe.' Ohhh-Wooy, look what is in store for the "demon puppy!" They are going to have to give him lots of 'happy pills' to keep him calm. I'll have 2 weeks of blissfully, almost quiet.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
But yesterday was her last day at home & I just couldn't help myself, I truly tried to & I couldn't blame Cosi, it was all me! I wouldn't let Cosi alone, I chewed a strip of wallpaper off of the breakfast room wall while mommy was having lunch, I peed after coming in from the side yard on the carpet, I kept running around being a wholly terror to Cosi, I pooped upstairs in the hallway after coming in another time from the side yard, I took the toilet paper off of the roll in mommy & daddy's bathroom, & I grabbed the dish towel way off on the side of the refrigerator & had mommy & Cosi chasing me. Yep, yep, yep, I did all of those things!!
Mommy was watching a show on disc called "Forever Knight." One of the shows had this guy go undercover (he has pointy teeth & they call him a vampire), Nick, to find a killer. These people are all addicted to sumthing & have to admit that they realize what they are doing. So after I watched this show wif mommy & Cosi last night, I thought about all of the things that I did earlier in the day.
AND, I want to admit that I try to be the bestest lil Siberian Husky, but sumthing makes me be naughty. I, Juneau, AM A PUPPY & SUMTIMES I CANNOT HELP DO THESE DUMB PUPPY THINGS. I WILL TRY TO BE THE BESTEST PUPPY, BUT SUMTIMES THINGS WILL HAPPEN & I'LL BACKSLIDE!! There, I said it & do feel a whole lot better. Mommy told daddy about my day wif her & Cosi. I heard her say that I am trying & do make it outsides almost all of the time. She told daddy that she still loves me anyway.
I heard her say that going back to work again was hard for her. She fluffed her hair up over her left side & all that showed was her black, purple & blue marks. She looked OK to Cosi & me. When she came home from work she was tired, ate a little, & took a nap. We were very quiet around her. She has another interview next Tues. We're keeping our pawsies crossed that she will hear sumthing from another job real soon. As far as eating goes, this week dad made meatballs for her & meatloaf. She was able to chew in little bits those foods. She even had broiled fish one night. We are all helping to keep up her spirits. She eats a lot of mushed up soups, jello, applesauce, puddings, & hot fudge sundaes (though I heard her say she is getting tired of that one).
WOO-HOO, I'm glad Juneau admitted that he is a "lil terror." I'm so tired from chasing him or him chasing me. Keeps my male Sibe body in shape at least, woo-hee-hee!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Mommy’s Home from the Hospital!
I’ll do an update real soon. I’m sure when mommy feels better, out will come the camera to catch new pics of Juneau & me.