Hi EveryPuppy,
I overheard our daddy on the phone with grandma about some good news about mommy. She saw her surgeon today. (I know I shouldn't listen in on conversations, but how else would a puppy hear about stuff?!?) The surgeon walked into the room & started off by telling mommy that she will not be wired shut. Daddy went on to say that mommy started to cry then threw her arms around the man & gave him a hug. Woo-hoo, he didn't expect that. Mommy shocked him. Daddy said that the doctors had a look on his face that was so funny. Also, she will be able to eat foods that are soft like fish, pasta, meatballs, etc., if she can handle chewing them, both after this surgery & the next one. She won't have to be on a diet of baby food like meals. So this helped to brighten her day.
Bama tagged me & Cosmos for a new game. What car do we think we would be like. Well, after having this discussed wif the expert (daddy - cuz he knows about cars) (mommy is our typist), this is what we came up wif:
Cosi would make a great Red Ford F150 XLT
-- Nice to look at, always dependable, & not afraid to do what you ask him to do.
Now I, Juneau, would best be described as a Mazda Miata Convertible Sports Car
-- That likes to run & zip around tight spaces. Likes to chew up the road (or yur toes!). Especially a convertible cuz I like to feel the water/rain on my head & rest of my body.
Happy New Year!
2 years ago
very nice...
We'll bring your Mom some Bruster's ice cream!!! Or we'll have our Mom make her some soup!!! She's soup nutso!
That's grrrrreat news guys (& Marlene!)
Sherman, Penny & Lola
WOOO cool cars!!!!
See? that black cloud must have gone away and things are starting to get better. Maybe the black cloud moved over your supervisor's house!
Now, what are we going to do about those really ugly new uniforms the Steelers were wearing????? I just couldn't get used to them! Those yellow helmets made them look like Cheeseheads! What were they thinking?????? I hope others in my ol' hometown are feeling the same way.
G & S mommy
WoooWeee, we're so glad your mommy got good news from the doc, the cloud is already moving somewhere else...from their post, sounds like Cosi & Juneau's mom are getting some of it now. Mom says she's not really up on astrology, but she thinks Serius the dogstar must be in the wrong moonhouse, or somethin like that...)We hope it moves on soon....
Love the cars, check our last blog for the new Nickname game! We'll be back in touch in about a week when mom gets back from AlaBAMA.
Happy manykisses,
Bama & the RHP
Excellent picks! I think that a convertible is a really good choice for a puppy!
Oops sorry, you are Cosi & Juneau, blush....I meant Mud Monster & DWB's mom
Bama & the RHP
What good news your mom got! Great car picks! Our mom likes the Ford Pickup.
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
We're glad you finally got some good news! Things will start to get happier now. I like your car picks.
Juneau, hi! I saw your note on my blog so I came right over to say Yes I would love to be your friend. Sure!!! It is hard work being four months old, isn't it? How much do you weigh now? My mom wants to know for some reason. She thinks I am HUGE but I say I am just right.
That is great about your mom. Mine says Ohhhh her boyfriend long long ago before she knew him had to have that evil jaw wired shut thing and he panicked and got scared and they had to cut it open and START OVER. It was baaaad. So that is very good news and I don't blame her for crying.
I am talking too much Mom says as she wants to put a new post of me playing in the water. For some reason she thinks that is funny.
Great autos!!! Samuel is a Ford F250, but he's black instead of red.
Good vehicles you guys. And we are so glad for you mom. You can be tasters for her. That would great help.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
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