Hi-Woo EveryPuppy & 2-legged & other 4-legged Friends,

Mommy & daddy adopted me from MaPaw on February 10, 2007. Our vet told them that I was about 1-1/2 yrs. old. So mommy decided to give me a birfday date & she picked (don't knows how she came up wif it!) July 10. So today is my birfday & I'm around 3 yrs. old today. I did what I liked best to do -- & that is hang out & sunbathe in my spot in our side run.
Til next time,
-The Cos-
Pee Ess - We woul've updated our blog sooner except every time Mommy wanted to get onto the puter we got some pretty bad storms wif thunder-boomers & lighening in the evenings, so mommy kept turning off the puter.