Yesterday was my 3-year Gotcha Day!
'Da Boyz' Guestbook
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Cosi's "Gotcha" Day & SNOWMAGGEDON in Da Burgh
Yesterday was my 3-year Gotcha Day!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I'm So Bluuuuue, Yeppers!!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow, SNOW in PGH - WOORAY & Yaktrax!
These funny thingees are called Yaktrax. R Mommy puts these on her shoes sos she can walk on snow & ice & won't fall down. R Mommy does not like snowy dayz like we do. She does say that it is pretty lookin out at the snow falling frum inside the house.
We hopes you got snow, too!
Til next time,
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wishin' All of Woo a Fantastic Holiday and a Happy New Year!
Talks to you all next year!!!
Pee Ess - WE DID GET LOTZ OF SNOW - Buts, it is all gone again!!!
-Yur Weather Pupper Reporter, Da Cos-
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Cosmos, Siberian Weather Pupper - Reporting on PGH Thursday Weather
Sibe Translation of Wooin Weather Report:
Woos All!
It's very, very BRrrrrrrrr-Puppy in PGH. Mucho windy & very noisy, too! It's keep-you-very-awake & fluff up yur fur cold in PGH!! But, alas, no snow. Just a lil bit of dustin on the ground to tease us - no fairs! It's so cold that R mommy came home frum work & gots into her soft, flannel jamies fur the night to vege out & stay warm (Oops, Er Cos, I don't think you shoulda said that - mommy might not want yur viewers to know what she is wearin!!). Well, My Viewers, me, yur Sibe Weather Pupper Reporter, will keep you up-to-date wif R PGH Weather as Winter comes upon us.
Take care & til next time,
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Grown Daddy-Humes Can Wear Pink, Hawoo!!
Fur the last part of October, R family wuz healing - that is Charlie & R daddy. On Monday, October 12, the vet had to come & do anuther procedure on that nasty thing on Charlie's back. It healed but healed open. We all were afraid that when Charlie would roll around in his stall (when he gets an itch!) he could get sumthing in it & gets infected again. So Dr. Leah met daddy at the barn. Daddy told us & mommy that he was glad that she didn't go (she couldn't take time off frum work) cuz she would have been so upset & sick cuz Dr. Leah had to first cut away the raised circle of skin (about an inch around) (daddy took a pic of it on his phone & it wuz very, very icky & bloody). Thank dogness that Charlie didn't know what wuz happening cuz he got a shot that put made him very, very relaxed in horsie la-la land. Then Dr. Leah stitched Charlie up.
On Friday, October 16 R daddy had to have surgery to reattach his left arm bicep tendon which was torn 90% (it happened at work, not on or around Bud). Daddy knew way back in March that he would have to have the surgery, but put it off as long as he could so he could spend the Spring, Summer & part of the Fall riding the trails wif his Bud, mommy & Charlie, & their trail riding buddies.
Then, for the next 2 weeks, mommy had to go every night to the barn to clean Charlie's wound site (& to top it off he got a touch of a horsie skin infection & had to have spot shampoos on his back & sides every night) (poor big guy, enuf is enuf!!!). Then daddy having his surgery & in a cast so he couldn't drive. So mommy had to drive with him as a passenger to the barn every night (she doesn't like night driving). Poor Charlie could get out of stall, but all he wuz allowed to do wuz walk around for 2 weeks so he wouldn't pull the stitches. He wuz a very grumpy horsie along wif a very grumpy daddy cuz he wanted to drive, but he wuzn't allowed until he got his cast off. R poor mommy needed a vacation! Since daddy is a rightie & he had surgery on his left arm, he helped her around the house by doin stuff fur her. 2 weels later, Charlie got his stitches out and he wuz allowed to run around which made him a happy horsie! The day after that, daddy got his cast & stitches out & could drive again & he wuz a happy guy & mommy got to be a passenger in the car again which made her very, very happy.
Well, finally thingz are lookin up! Mommy can now ride Charlie again which makes her a happy girl! Daddy's surgery wuz a success, but he still has a lot of recovery yet until he is back to work hands-on & can ride again. Hopefully, when he sees his Dr. again the beginning of December, he will be able to go to therapy to build up strength back in his arm again.
The following are pics taken after the last trail ride b4 Charlie & Daddy had their procedures --
And, we had the most portant job to do in R house - we helped take care of daddy & mommy & kept up their spirits!!!
Sos, friends we have not furgotten all of woo - frum time to time we stopped by bloggies to see how all of woo were doin - just didn't leave a message.
Lotz & lotz of thoughtz & Sibe Vibes to R buddy, Princey, of Team Husky.
Til next time (hopefully not so long a time!!),
-da boyz, Cosmos & Junea-
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Woo-Ye, Woo-Ye
It's been a tough month for poor Charlie Horse! That thingee on his back got infected again & the vet had to go to the barn & do a procedure on it by cutting into it more & cleaning it out. He had to go on meds, too. Mommy & daddy had to go out every night to clean it out & put med stuff on it. We hears he's been real good & standing still. He knows that mommy & daddy are taking good care of him. The vet came out this past week to give them their fall shots & said that Charlie's boo-boo is finally on the mend. It heals from the inside out & is still pretty big. Mommy was allowed to ride him, however, after a week after the procedure if he tolerated it. She used a thick fuzzy saddle pad & the saddle itself didn't rest on the boo-boo.
Now since Mommy doesn't have to go out to the barn every night, she'll let us use her lap puter more (or so we hope!) to keep up wif all of yur news.
Mommy & Daddy went to a Renaissance Fair that has been around the past 6 weekends in Pittsburgh. There was food, drink & lotz of humes running around dressed in costumes of yore (years gone by - & it is not Hall-woo-een yet!) doing skitz & singin & just havin a-lotz of fun. Sum of the costumes had ladiez boobs (Hey-woo there doofus-Juni, you can get in troooouble sayin that word!) OK, then ladiez upper bodiez practically falling out of their topz (I saw this on a commercial, yepper-woo I did)! The following are pics & sum movies of grown humes jousting (running around & knocking each other off of horses (ouchie!) & playing (we mean fighting) with swords. We hopes you enjoy the show!
Gettin the Peoples Worked Up for the Joust!
And the Winner Is - & not for those whose tummies get upset over gore, ha-woo!!
Take care & talk to woo-all real soon!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My Furry 4-Legged Boys & GO STILLERS!
Last week I was petting Cosi & giving him a rub down & on his right side felt a hard lump the size of my pinkie nail. It didn't bother him when I pushed on it. I called our vet & they squeezed us in. They took Cosi in the back room to get a scraping & some fluid from it. I could hear him telling them that he was not pleased what they were doing. The tech brought him in & asked me how I liked her furry clothes. Cosi was all over her! The vet came back in to tell us that it was nothing & not to worry about it - they had looked at the scrapings & fluid under their microscope. Woo, was I relieved!
That same afternoon I had to have the horse vet at the barn for Charlie. My poor wallet - but you know, I don't care - if my boys needed to be seen so be it!! Charlie started to break out with a hive-like rash a few days before & it was really spreading. He had a skin infection called "rain rot" from having a muggy summer & sweating a lot with the humidity. I was told that this can occur even if the horse is kept groomed & clean. We have been spot-shampooing Charlie with a medicated shampoo every other day & making sure that he is dry before putting him in his stall. He looks like a wannabe spotted Appaloosa with hair missing in circles on his back. But, it is not spreading anymore thankfully!
The boys & I want to end this post by saying - GO STILLERS!!!!
Til next time,
-Da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau, & Mommy-Marlene-
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Hi Woo All - We're Baaaack!!!!!
We hopes to git caught up sayin hi-woo on all of yur bloggies real real soon!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Birfdays, Mommys' Day, Anniverzaries, & Catch-up!
On May 18th wuz R Mommy's & Daddy's 33rd anniverzary. As a combined birfday, Mommys' Day, & anniverzary present, R daddy surprised Mommy wif something she makes Ohhhh-Awwww noises everytime she sees a commercial wif Kay's Jewelers. R Mommy wuvs hearts (& so do I - my MayaMarie's Mommy's Happy Hearts Cookies!) & she fell in wuv with the actress Jane Seymour's open hearts. This is what her's looks like . . . .
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
That Pesky Devil!
Ohhh, I am sooooo tired. Mommy can I stay on the bed to sleep, please please?!? (No doofus, you sleep on the floor!!!)
This past weekend Daddy wuz going to collapse the crate in the bedroom and take it down to the basement.
BUSTED - But, but the devil made me do it - dontcha call me the "demon youngin" - it wuzn't me!!!! (Nooo, you couldn't quit tormenting me & let me sleep - gotcha!!!!!)
Til next time,
-da boyz, Cosmos & (Jail-Pup) Juneau-
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Administrative Assistants Day & Tippy-Hoofy Thru the Daffy-Dils

AND Sweet, luvable, quiet me!
Til next time,
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Dressed Best Horsie & Siberian Husky Security Patrol
We gots to ask R Ao4 friends if we qualify to wear helmets to be in uniform for this job of guarding R house. We wonder where we can get sum, maybe they can help us! How do you like R horsie doorbell?